The Keeper is a 3 min short animated film created by TRNZ in collaboration with Fleet Studios.
It explores the gravity of pressure in our society, and how the most important things fall through the cracks in the pursuit of success, accolades, and meritorious external validation.
It explores the gravity of pressure in our society, and how the most important things fall through the cracks in the pursuit of success, accolades, and meritorious external validation.
The story reveals the struggle of a trophy-room keeper to pursue an unwanted visitor around an otherwise overly organized and well-kept room - only to discover in the process that life was happening, under her very nose, despite her lack of attention to it.
Why support this film
This film silently but potently illustrates the unnecessary hustle we place ourselves in sometimes, and serves as a gentle but poignant warning about the precious things we might be offering in exchange for it. Peace of mind, time, relationships, a general appreciation for life and its subjects - the list goes on.
We are targeting to showcase the film at private screening event and a big art fair in Manila in 2026.
We also plan to enter it to various animation festivals.
If you wish to know more about the project, see the full storyboard, or would like to collaborate. Please contact or dm me on instagram: @trnzwho